sábado, 26 de agosto de 2017

Hanmer Springs - 120m NZ Highline Record

After a couple of weeks of tries, Cheyne Pearson was able to send the new line in Hanmer Springs and now he holds the NZ Highline Record!!

Congratulations to this Californian Boy!!

Me trying to get balance on double Unicorn...

The rest of us were able to have lots of fun during two weekends, a bit of Hot Springs and a lot of Highline.

The Crew enjoying the sun...

The name of the line is still uncertain at the moment!

Cheyne!?any ideas of a name?

This was our view from the line... the amazing Southern Alps...

miércoles, 26 de julio de 2017

Winter Week in Canterbury - 2017

Hi all,

Back now with English version of the blog.

This last week was quite wet, but I was able to have 2 spectacular days!!! One day visiting Mount Hutt a ski field one and a half hours from Christchurch and one nice highline day just here in the city.

Mt Hutt

Perfect day, perfect sun, but heaps of people at the lift because of School holidays... apart from that, all red pistes were free, with noone riding them, so I enjoyed a lot.

Just check some pictures below.

 Top of the Ski field, super clear ski
 From the Chairlift you can see all parking spots were taken!!!
 Me making faces...
If you go forward, you are out of the ski field!!

A very nice day spent on the mountains, took me back to Christchurch by 7PM, ready for a good dinner and sleep.

Sunday Highline

Sunday cleared out after 4 non stop days of rain, with many flooded areas in Canterbury.
The plan was to do a bit of highline in one of our city spots, easy rig, tight line, lots of fun!!!

 Afternoon Highline is the name, 38m long, 15m high, is more a midline than a proper highline...
 Not really exposure on this line make it perfect for begginers and for some fun when rigging needs to be fast.

Another week, another adventure, next week, the Christchurch Slackline group will go to Hanmer Springs to rig a 115m line next to the bridge at the entrance of the Town.


sábado, 24 de junio de 2017

Restart - NOW

Hi all,

I have changed language, from now and forward it will all be written in English (my native english speaker friends, please be welcome to correct my phrases and expressions).

I haven't been writing entries in this blog as life gets you too busy to do stuff, or just, don't feel like it.
Back into writing, during all this time I have got lots into Highline, but still climbing heaps.

Here a couple videos from out last and first New Zealand Highline Festival:

This festival was the first of many I hope. The slackline community is growing and spreading in the South Island of New Zealand, with at least 3 groups that are permanently into the Activity.

Dunedin, Queenstown, and Christchurch are at the moment the cities with people doing slackline almost daily!!!!

That's all, next entry will hopefully be about a big line set up... a very long midline.


Joel's GAP - El Highline mas Alto de Nueva Zelanda

THE GAP - El Highline más alto de Nueva Zelanda -

Un proyecto de Ben, un Highliner y Base Jumper, o mejor dicho un loco de la cintita y que le gusta saltar en paracaídas, tenía un Proyecto, que todos ya habíamos mirado y observado muchas veces, pero parecía lejano. Esta vez y de mano de Ben, The Gap, se riggeó.

El grupo consistió en 4 personas que llegaron un Domingo de noche, con acampe incluido y subida a riggear el Lunes bien temprano 7AM. El segundo grupo, estaría compuesto por Petr, Helena, Zazo y Yo.

El Lunes Temprano, subimos por alrededor de 4 horas hasta Castle Hill Peak, y luego una bajada de unos 50 minutos hasta The Gap.

La subida fue muy linda, con mucha pendiente al principio y luego caminar por el filo, con alguna subida pero menos empinada. Llegamos antes del medio día y la cinta ya estaba puesta, los anclajes listos, pero aún sin tensión.

Ayuda va, ayuda viene, de un lado 7/8 bolts, del otro un anclaje natural grandote y masomenos firme, de roca podrida...

La cinta se tensó bastante, y estuvo lista para los primeros pegues...

Ben la camino Full Man, ida y vuelta, sin problemas y con pocos pegues. Depués de eso, Justin le dio algún pegue, y yo me subí con muchas ganas de cruzar el GAP... y a pesar de varios catch, y algún leash fall, lo crucé!!!!.... Petr le dió unos pegues, pudiéndose parar, pero sin mayores éxitos.

El día se fue rapidísimo y la vuelta se hizo larga.
Primero volver a subir al Castle Hill Peak y luego una bajada eterna de 3 horas a puro pedrero...

Llegamos de día al estacionamiento, pero con niebla, nubes... Petr y Helena ya estaban esperando en el auto...

Esperamos a Ben y los chicos hasta que se hizo de noche, juntamos equipo, repartimos gente y de vuelta a Christchurch!!!